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"Thank you for this wonderful and insightful workshop, and for introducing me to the transformative art of writing. I feel like I have reconnected to parts of myself that I have forgotten about."

Ana V, July 2021 Cohort

More about the power of writing and journaling

Most people are not only creative but courageous and bold, but they don't often have ways of surfacing these parts of themselves. This is where using writing, particularly free-writing, simply as a tool can help. No experience or grammar is required.

I use guided writing prompts to tap into - and often wake-up - what’s beyond their usual thoughts. This surfaces people’s hidden inner resources and innate creativity which builds their creative confidence and courage to be successful.

When working in groups people share on a deeper level and ice is broken, trust built, relationships and teams strengthened. People feel validated and, most importantly, seen. It’s powerful stuff and it's where the magic happens.

Not only do people need no writing experience, but also no grammar, spelling or even sense is required making working this way suitable for everyone. Don’t just take my word for it.

“When I first joined Claire’s course, I hadn’t written more than a creative sentence or two in more than five years (possibly more). As I worked through the various prompts and ideas Claire shared and taught me, I began to explore writing freely in my own time, especially journaling which helped me release a lot of the blocks I was experiencing in other parts of my life. It is quite by coincidence that on a recent call with Claire, I looked at my book shelf and realised that I had written in and finished over half a dozen large sized notebooks, cover to cover! This transformation from blocked to being set free has been the result of work done just over weekends and a few extra sessions over less than a year. I am truly grateful for, what some of my fellow participants refer to as, “Claire-Magic!” Viv

I use easy, guided writing exercises – no grammar required – and discussion. Everyone is included and all voices are heard.

By throwing out the writing rule book and using writing simply as a tool, we open the door to a new channel that bypasses our edited mind.

"Did I write that?"

People almost always write more than they say and consciously think. When I guide people to write freely, they access their innate creativity, wisdom and untapped resources. They learn they're never alone with a pen.

Image by Ben White

Surfaces perspectives, insights and ideas

Writing freely helps to surface perspectives, insights and come up with ideas. All voices are heard. and it’s where the magic happens (see case studies below).

Upside Down

Creative confidence and courage

​Writing in this way builds creative confidence. People become more courageous when they feel that they have something to offer. They set their sights higher. They stick with problems for longer and achieve more making them more resilient.

I talk a lot about creative confidence. Here's what I mean:

Creative Confidence means that, regardless of the role I play in life or the position I hold in business, I feel I have a meaningful contribution to make; to tackle and solve problems, reach goals and come up with ideas.

When people feel creatively confident they will tackle more, believe they have something to offer and persevere for longer. Tom and David Kelley wrote about Creative Confidence in their inspiring book.

Working with writing and journaling helps to build creative confidence by giving everyone the opportunity to:

  • Let go, express themselves 

  • Surface different aspects of themselves – be seen and heard

  • Capture stories

  • Exercise writing muscle and imagination

  • Access untapped inner resources including creativity

  • Externalise their internal landscape

  • Feel confident about what they have to offer 

  • Have some fun

  • Practice active listening leading to open and flexible thinking

Creative Confidence also supports wellbeing, builds resilience and makes life altogether better.

To watch a recording of my talk 'Permission to be Creative' click here.

“Energised, inspired, curious, focused, excited…” Are just some of the words I hear at the end of workshops when imaginations have been sparked, creativity awakened and energy renewed. Testimonials here.

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No grammar, experience or even sense required

Writing stuff* down has been around for a very long time. Some use it for creativity, some for personal reflection by externalising the internal, and others, just for fun. It's also known as stream of consciousness writing, wild writing, or free-flow writing.

The main idea is to start writing from some kind of prompt**, then, keep the pen moving - for a short, timed period. Whatever you do, don't edit or worry about grammar or any corrections - just move forwards and don't look back.

Essentially that's it. It can bring up creative ideas if that's your thing, just be a way to start your day and get the first thing in the morning clutter out the way (as in Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages) or insights about yourself and different perspectives which help to see things as they are, not just our version of them. 

"Why can't I just free write on my own?" I hear you ask. You absolutely can, and I recommend it with all my heart. I do it almost every day. There are tonnes of books and Apps with prompts galore, so yes, go for it if that's your thing.

The reason I'm so passionate about it being a shared experience is that, well, it's a shared experience. It's fun. Your writing can really go somewhere different when you're writing with other people. Finally, and only if you're ever happy to, you can really get deeper insight and broader perspective by sharing what you write. Hearing yourself reading your own words can be really powerful, as well as the connection in being seen and heard whilst doing so. It's incredibly powerful during coaching. You will inevitably write things you wouldn't necessarily think to say, or write things with a different spin; always leading to deeper understanding.

*'Stuff' is my technical term for the thoughts that scramble around our brains 24 hours a day.

**A 'prompt' could be something as

simple as a word, or a random sentence from a book or article, a thought, or an overheard sentence from someone in the street.

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