"Thank you for this wonderful and insightful workshop, and for introducing me to the transformative art of writing. I feel like I have reconnected to parts of myself that I have forgotten about."
Ana V, July 2021 Cohort
More about the power of writing and journaling
You are not only creative but courageous and bold, even if you don't know it. This is where using journaling, particularly free-writing can help.
You'll tap into what’s beyond your usual thoughts. You'll surface hidden resources and innate creativity which will build your creative confidence and courage.
Not only do you not need any writing experience or interest, but also no grammar, spelling or even sense.
“When I first joined Claire’s course, I hadn’t written more than a creative sentence or two in more than five years (possibly more). As I worked through the various prompts and ideas Claire shared and taught me, I began to explore writing freely in my own time, especially journaling which helped me release a lot of the blocks I was experiencing in other parts of my life. It is quite by coincidence that on a recent call with Claire, I looked at my book shelf and realised that I had written in and finished over half a dozen large sized notebooks, cover to cover! This transformation from blocked to being set free has been the result of work done just over weekends and a few extra sessions over less than a year. I am truly grateful for, what some of my fellow participants refer to as, “Claire-Magic!” Viv
By throwing out the writing rule book and using writing simply as a tool, you'll open the door to a whole new world of possibilities and ideas.
"Did I write that?"
People almost always write more than they say and consciously think. When I guide people to write freely, they access their innate creativity, wisdom and untapped resources. They learn they're never alone with a pen.
Surfaces perspectives, insights and ideas
Writing freely helps to surface perspectives, insights and come up with fresh ideas.
Creative confidence and courage
Jouranling builds creative confidence. You'll become more courageous when you feel that you build your resilience and realise that you are already good enough You'll set your sights higher, stick with problems for longer and achieve more.
No grammar, experience or even sense required
Writing stuff* down has been around for a very long time. Some use it for creativity, some for personal reflection by externalising the internal, and others, just for fun. It's also known as stream of consciousness writing, wild writing, or free-flow writing.
The main idea is to start writing from some kind of prompt**, then, keep the pen moving - for a short, timed period. Whatever you do, don't edit or worry about grammar or any corrections - just move forwards and don't look back.
Essentially that's it. It can bring up creative ideas if that's your thing, just be a way to start your day and get the first thing in the morning clutter out the way (as in Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages) or insights about yourself and different perspectives which help to see things as they are, not just our version of them.
"Why can't I just free write on my own?" I hear you ask. You absolutely can, and I recommend it with all my heart. I do it almost every day. There are tonnes of books and Apps with prompts galore, so yes, go for it if that's your thing.
The reason I'm so passionate about it being a shared experience is that, well, it's a shared experience. It's fun. Your writing can really go somewhere different when you're writing with other people. Finally, and only if you're ever happy to, you can really get deeper insight and broader perspective by sharing what you write. Hearing yourself reading your own words can be really powerful, as well as the connection in being seen and heard whilst doing so. It's incredibly powerful during coaching. You will inevitably write things you wouldn't necessarily think to say, or write things with a different spin; always leading to deeper understanding.
*'Stuff' is my technical term for the thoughts that scramble around our brains 24 hours a day.
**A 'prompt' could be something as
simple as a word, or a random sentence from a book or article, a thought, or an overheard sentence from someone in the street.